Thursday, April 19, 2007

A Note on Imus

The communication over this issue in all types of media is wonderful. I'm glad to see that America is outraged by racism. Suspend him if you want. But firing a man for saying something racist tells the world that a) he has the power to hurt people THAT MUCH with his stupid thoughtless words b) there is no forgiveness for thoughtless speech and c) there is no "recovering" from being labeled a racist.

Rather than allowing him to continue his show in a slightly new direction after learning the power of his words, reviewing the nature of humor and trying to choose his words better in the future, we're telling the world that if the general public decides you're racist, it's over. If that's the attitude out there, he might as well join the KKK because that's the only place he's going to get any support.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

If he was a famous person of the same color as the women on the team then this would never be an issue. How come Eminem who is whiter than white can get away with his lyrics? Is it ok for african american personalities to use such terms because it is a cultural thing? Can I go around calling other italians "guinnea" or "wop" because I am italian?
Life is such a fucking double standard.

7:18 PM  
Blogger Bry said...

No one has figured out what "stereotypical" language is appropriate to use yet. I think the most important aspect of what language you use is intent. Which is messy and can never be proved, so it doesn't make a great rule.

For example: If I use "dyke" to describe someone it is for a very specific reason. There are lesbians of every kind out there, many of whom I would never call "dyke." But when I describe someone that way, the Fiancee knows exactly what I am talking about. I also use the term lovingly. But if someone uses "dyke" and I am not sure of their feelings about homosexuality or I don't know what they meant by it - what their intent was - it makes me really uncomfortable.

We're never going to completely figure out what stereotypical language is alright and what isn't. Do we just drop every word that was ever used in a negative context? I don't think so, as it would take PC-ness to an extreme.

There certainly are a lot of double standards in language, though.

6:05 PM  

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