Wednesday, August 02, 2006


Tonight when I got home from work (had to walk part way in bright sun), I passed out. On the floor. Naked. The Fiancee passed out face down across the bed sideways. The cat assumed pancake position on the floor by my head. Half an hour later the three of us groggily moved around a little before collapsing again.

When will this end?

And don't say tomorrow because I don't care. Lower temperatures tomorrow do not make me more than semi-conscious today.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like the cat assuming "the pankcake position". I can see it now. Melted kitty. I just resent the fact that they every news reporter and meterologist is comparing this heat to sometime in the early 1900's (I think 1911) and sometime in the 1970's (I think 1976). It does not change the fact that it is as hot as it has been now! This is not a case of history repeating itself. Mankind is NOT the main cause of global warming and Al Gore can shut up about all that. I think he made up the term for his campaign to get the hippies to vote for him. The Earth is getting hotter perhaps because the sun is getting hotter (and closer?). And Tipper can go jump off a bridge. What kind of name is Tipper anyway? Sounds like a slang for vagina (like tuppy).

10:57 AM  
Blogger Bry said...

Actually I've read a few things suggesting that many in the scientific community don't "believe" in global warming, but that they are pressured to keep their mouths shut. If they say what they think, their careers are over.

I don't know what I think. But how long have we been keeping records of the temps anyway? What if the earth gets hot every three thousand years? How would we know that this is just a normal cycle? We wouldn't.

Although given the alternatives presented in an old Twilight Zone episode, I'd rather have the earth freeze over than melt in the sun. At least you can just curl up and go to sleep like a drunk in the snow.

11:57 AM  
Blogger American Interior Monologue said...

Well, actually, they measure the amount of CO2 in ice cores from solid formed centuries ago, to now. Since the beginning of the industrial revolution, and subsequent human population explosion, there has been a pecipitous rise in greenhouse gasses on whole..including methane.

Also, the sun has been flaring in the x-class ray range, and may be flipping its polarity. No big deal.

Once again, Frost doesn't seem so trite...Fire and Ice?!

4:03 PM  

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