Thursday, August 17, 2006

I Am An Air Quality Meter

I hadn't used my inhaler in at least eight months, probably ten, save once or twice while exercising on a particularly cold day. In the last month or two I have been using it two or three times a day. I can't fucking breathe.

So is it pollution, me, or the shit they're spraying? Besides the insect crap they're spraying, there are also those planes flying low and leaving a "cloud streak" (my own term, not sure what it's called) that you usually see behind planes at thirty thousand feet. Way up high the engine gives off moisture which freezes and becomes a fake cloud. But these planes are at ten thousand feet or lower, and the trail behind them cannot be pure moisture. It's not cold enough. They're spraying something.

But what? I don't care. All I know is it leaves a white dust that is not pollen on my car (look early in the morning, you'll find it a few days a month in the spring and summer) and makes me use my inhaler every three seconds. And unlike every professional athlete ever, I do not want a small penis and beard from the steroids. Thank you very much.


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