Wednesday, May 31, 2006


At a recent gathering, a friend was wandering around holding her purse. When asked why she was carrying it, she said that she always does, even just around a party. The rest of us thought that her holding it was an indication that she was leaving, but it turns out she just likes to.

I mentioned something to the effect of "I've never had a purse, if it doesn't fit in my pocket I don't bring it". My friend's husband said, "That's because you're a lesbian".

It made me think and I would now like to correct that statement. I believe what he meant was that because I was dykey, I did not carry a purse. But he confused my gender identity with my sexual orientation. A lot of people do this, but there is a big difference between the two.

The biggest mistake people (gay or straight) make is thinking that a lipstick lesbian is different than a dyke. In reality the two are equally gay. On the "sexuality spectrum" they are clustered at the same end. But their gender identities are at opposite sides of the spectrum.

Sleeping with a woman does not make me put my cellphone in my pocket. Sleeping with a man does not make my friend carry a purse. Sexuality and gender interact in very intimate ways, but one does not cause the other. There are very butch women who are straight (we jokingly call them "shouldabeens"). There are femme lesbians. The same goes for both straight and gay men.

But the reason I don't carry a purse is because I hate carrying things and would forget it the moment I set it down. Simple as that.


Blogger Dean ASC said...

Sorry about that. Thank you for understanding how easily confused I am.

7:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I sleep with a man.
I carry a (huge) bag because I have a lot of baggage, but mostly because my favorite pants have no pockets. WHEN I have pockets I put little things in them, dimes, chapstick, Jimmy Hoffa - anything big would make my ass look fat or make it look like I have an erection; which would be a waste of time because I sleep with a man who doesn't like me to have erections.

However, I do like to put my husband down at parties.

10:20 PM  
Blogger coffeesnob said...

Oh, the Queen carries her purse everywhere - perhaps it has nothing to do with gender* and everything to do with class.

*Her Highness is above all that.

10:23 PM  
Blogger Kevin Wolf said...

Here we're trying to have an enlightened discussion of gender identity and coffeesnob has to start tossing names like "queen" around.

1:22 PM  
Blogger Dean ASC said...

Well, It's not like we can't figure out who "Coffeesnob" is in real life. However, this straight girl with one ear is really throwing me.

8:01 PM  

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