Friday, August 25, 2006

Your Patriotic Publicity Stunt is an Insult

Dear Mr. LoBaido,

It has recently come to my attention that you are travelling around the United States painting one roof in each state with a giant American flag. Your reason? This is "a thank-you greeting card the size of the United States" for servicemen and women who really "step up to the plate".

I am writing to inquire, if I may, about the purpose of fifty giant American flags. Do these flags raise money for political candidates who might decide to take a look at military spending and redirect the money flowing into buying new expensive, elaborate, ships and aircraft toward providing all troops in Iraq with armor. Or is it that these flags will relieve some of the symptoms of PTSD, like nightsweats, extreme startle responses or fits of rage, for our troops when they come home.

Now that I think about it, maybe the flags are working hard to ensure that we fulfil our promises to our troops, by sending them to school and setting them up with the opportunity to live the American dream that they supposedly lost their legs and saw their comrades die for.

You're reply is most likely that they are meant to show the vets that we support them and are thinking of them. Too bad they'll never see all the publicity you're getting because they're trying to wipe the sand out of their eyes in 110+ degree heat many thousands of miles away.

But thank you. Thank you, sir, for your 'patriotism'. Thank you for making sure to explain that this display is "not political". Because war is never political.

Ever so sincerely,



Blogger Kevin Wolf said...

My response upon seeing this "artist" painting his flag in our beloved Salem was, What a crock.

You bring up many reasons why it is, indeed, a crock. Well said.

3:01 PM  

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